Return dates

Hoping everyone had an enjoyable summer break,  ahead of our return for the 2024-25 school year.

The school calendar is being finalised and will be on the website next week. 
In the meantime I can confirm the following return dates:

Friday 23rd August – 1st year book collection (times to be confirmed).

Monday the 26th of August- 1st yr induction 08:45am- 13:08pm.

Tuesday the 27th of August- 3rd and 6th Yrs 08:45- 13:08.

Wednesday the 28th of August- 5th, 6th & 1st yrs, Rang Mhic Dhiarmada and Tearmann- 08:45-13:08.

Thursday the 29th- all students- 08:45-13:08. 

Friday the 30th- all students- 08:45-12:28. 

Normal school day i.e. 08:45am- 3:45pm begins on Monday the 2nd of September.

School transport from Monday 26th August. 

Enjoy your final few days of summer.