History of the School

Comprehensive schools are funded by the State and were the precursor to Community schools. During the late 60’s and early 70’s a total of fifteen Comprehensive schools were approved and established. St. Clare’s was the thirteenth such school following the amalgamation of Manorhamilton Vocational school and St. Joseph’s Secondary school. In the school year 1971/72 students continued to attend these respective schools but first year students began student life in prefabs based at the local community centre.

St. Clare’s opened its doors in September 1972 at its present site in Ross lane with Principal Mr Seán Sweeney and Deputy Mr Tom Bredin. The school was established under the patronage of the Bishop of Kilmore and is overseen by a local board of management.

In 1973 the school also included staff and students from the Vocational School in Kiltyclogher and brought the enrolment to approximately 350 students.

Today the student population is over 500 students and two further extensions were completed in 2013 and 2018.

Mr John Irwin led the school as principal from 2000 until August 2021. Ms. Maeve Kelly is the current Principal and Ms. Ceola McGowan is Deputy.