Our Book Rental Scheme
St. Clare’s Comprehensive School has operated a scheme to provide textbooks for rental to parents/guardians of students of the school since 1983. This is one of the longest established and most successful book rental schemes in the country.
To promote, support and continue this valuable scheme the following applies to all users of the scheme:
- The school rents books to parents/guardians of current students of the school at reduced cost
- All books rented remain the property of St. Clare’s Comprehensive School
- Parents/Guardians with their children are responsible for proper care and maintenance of all books rented to them
- Books must be returned when requested, or when a student leaves the school
- Books must be returned to the school in resale condition. The minimum requirement is that each book is intact, has all its pages, has a front and back cover and is free from excessive and/or offensive graffiti
- All books not returned to the school in resale condition by the date requested will be deemed lost. Deposit is not returned on lost books and parents/guardians must pay the current replacement cost of lost books to the school
- Parents/guardians are advised to check the condition of books regularly and to carry out necessary repairs
- Parents/guardians are advised to provide a suitable bag for each student. The bag should accommodate the books needed each day with damaging the corners or the spine of the books
Update: Junior Cycle Book Scheme & Stationery Provision Policy