U20 Girls Football Champions

Congratulations to our U20 Girls All Ireland Champions! What a fantastic team performance in Athlone. The team are such positive role models to our students.

Thank you to everyone who helped organise and joined the school community yesterday to support our players. Your presence made it so special. It was a very proud day for St. Clare’s Comprehensive School.

A massive thank you to everyone who joined us yesterday evening to welcome our victorious players and coaches Mr McDonald and Mr Lee back home with the cup!

It was incredible to see our school community come together in such a great show of support. Your cheers and smiles meant the world to the team and everyone involved.

It most certainly was a day I and all involved will never forget. A memory we will be talking about for years to come. I am very proud and priviledged to be the principal of such a strong and committed school community. 


Thank you,

Maeve Kelly